On Saturday, December 1, the Bethany College Japanese
Culture Club with assistance from the Japanese Outreach Program hosted a
traditional Tea Ceremony at the Mountainside Conference Center. Known
as Chanoyu, Sado or Chado, this ancient art form focuses on the
aesthetics of tea preparation more so than the drinking of tea itself.
Associated heavily with the rituals of Zen Buddhism, tea ceremonies
feature images of beauty (such as flowers and art) to reflect and
mediate. The preparation and the drinking are meant to be spiritual
in deep silence and serenity. Everything comes from preparing the tea
with one’s heart. The guests, especially the principle guest, are all
taken into account when a tea master sets to their work.
During the event, the Japanese
Culture Club presented a direct image of the ceremony. Professor Fujiko
Sawtarie hosting with Mr. Nobuyuki Tanaka, Ms. Nobuko Felt, and Club
members serving as demonstrators with opportunities for audience
members to partake in the ritual following the demonstration.
Commentary was provided by Professor Sachiko Wood. The club provided a
dinner of yakisoba following the demonstration in Harder Hall.
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