The social work, equine studies and education programs on Nov. 15
coordinated a “Read to Me Day” event at the Brooke County Public
Library in Wellsburg, W.Va.
Amy Van Horn,
administrative assistant for social work career counseling and
placement, developed, planned and coordinated the event which featured
Lois Szymanski, author of 22 children’s books on the Chincoteague
ponies found in Maryland.
Szymanski prepared a PowerPoint presentation, which provided
detailed information on the ponies, their environment and how she
develops and writes her stories. Following her presentation, she
visited with members of the audience and autographed copies of her
Approximately 60 people were in attendance, including over 30
children. Bethany College volunteers from the equine studies and
education programs provided the children with coloring books and other
information about the ponies. Each child was also treated to a visit
with Sea Feather, one of the Chincoteague ponies currently leased to
Amy Van Horn and her daughter, Eden Rice. A glimpse of Sea Feather can
be had at the Bethany College Paddocks area, where he is currently
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